"behold there in the wood the fine madman! he is a palace of sweet sounds and sights; he dilates; he is twice a man; he walks with arms akimbo; he soliloquizes; he accosts the grass and the trees; he feels the blood of the violet, the clover, and the lily in his veins; and he talks with the brook that wets his foot. the like force has the passion over all his nature. [love] expands the sentiment; it makes the clown gentle, and gives the coward heart. into the most pitiful and abject it will infuse a heart and courage to defy the world, so only it have the countenance of the beloved object. in giving him to another, it still more gives him to himself. he is a new man, with new perceptions, new and keener purposes, and a religious solemnity of character and aims. He does not longer appertain to his family and society; he is somewhat; he is a person; he is a soul." /ralph waldo emerson
wilco - muzzle of bees
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