"there doesn't seem to be a cutoff point for acquiring new tastes in music, but most people have formed their tastes by the age of eighteen or twenty. why this is so is not clear, but several studies have found it to be the case. part of the reason may be that in general, people tend to become less open to new experiences as they age. during our teenage years, we begin to discover that there exists a world of different ideas, different cultures, different people. we experiment with the idea that we don't have to limit our life's course, our personalities, or our decisions to what we were taught by our parents, or to the way we were brought up. we also seek out different kinds of music. in western culture in particular the choice of music has important social consequences. we listen to the music that our friends listen to. particularly when we are young, and in search of our identity, we form bonds or social groups with people whom we want to be like, or whom we believe we have something in common with. as a way of externalizing the bond, we dress alike, share activities, and listen to the same music. our group listens to this kind of music, those people listen to that kind of music. this ties into the evolutionary idea of music as a vehicle for social bonding and societal cohesion. music and musical preferences become a mark of personal and group identity and of distinction." /daniel levitin
animal collective - we tigers
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