"in the mountains of truth you will never climb in vain: either you will get up higher today or you will exercise your strength so as to be able to get up higher tomorrow." /friedrich nietzsche
"when i take a long look at my life, as though from outside, it does not appear particularly happy. yet i am even less justified in calling it unhappy, despite all its mistakes. after all, it is foolish to keep probing for happiness or unhappiness, for it seems to me it would be hard to exchange the unhappiest days of my life for all the happy ones. if what matters in a person's existence is to accept the inevitable consciously, to taste the good and bad to the full and to make for oneself a more individual, unaccidental and inward destiny alongside one's external fate, then my life has been neither empty nor worthless. even if, as it is decreed by the gods, fate has inexorably trod over my external existence as it does with everyone, my inner life has been of my own making. i deserve its sweetness and bitterness and accept full responsibility for it." /hermann hesse
"unless i get something real good for [senate candidate 1], shit, i'll just send myself, you know what i'm saying? i'm going to keep this senate option for me a real possibility, you know, and therefore i can drive a hard bargain. you hear what i'm saying? and if i don't get what i want and i'm not satisfied with it, then i'll just take the senate seat myself. [the senate seat] is a fucking valuable thing, you just don't give it away for nothing." /rod blagojevich
"sweet is every sound, sweeter thy voice, but every sound is sweet; myriads of rivulets hurrying through the lawn, the moan of doves in immemorial elms, and murmuring of innumerable bees."
"no man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, apart of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, beause i am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." /john donne
"guitar is rarely considered a solo instrument; you have classical and flamenco guitar, alongside finer picking and folk. but its a style that [kaki king] became comfortable pursuing upon meeting [preston] reed at the 1998 swannanoa gathering in asheville, north carolina. and so began a style that king has used to transform herself into a prodigy by performing 'backwards' from the stuffy techniques found in your common 'how to' book or instructor's lesson plan. similar to playing the piano, kaki places her left hand over the neck, so her middle three fingers can top out lines on the strings, freeing her right hand to continuously finger pick or move onto the neck and tap out its own lines." /glide magazine
"there are, of course, inherent tendencies to repetition in music itself. our poetry, our ballads, our songs are full of repetition. every piece of classical music has its repeat marks or variations on a theme, and our greatest composers are masters of repetition; nursery rhymes and the little chants and songs we use to teach young children have choruses and refrains. we are attracted to repetition, even as adults; we want the stimulus and the reward again and again, and in music we get it." /oliver sacks
"how can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?" /paul sweeney
"it was very competitive in the '60s. and everybody caught the bug, y'know? it was like a “competitive bug.” and, as far as i could see, everybody was turning everybody on. ... the beatles were a part of that whole “competition” thing. rubber soul blew my mind. it really made me wanna record; it made me wanna cut. it sounds like a collection of songs that belong together, and it was an uplifting feeling. so i thought i'd make a collection of songs — called pet sounds — together. that's how i got that idea...i'm proud of it. i think it's a very everlasting album. i'm very proud of the love that went into it. a lot of love went into that album. and people pick up on that too, and they really like it 'cause they feel the love." /brian wilson
"round about california in that day were scattered a host of these living dead men--pride-smitten poor fellows, grizzled and old at forty, whose secret thoughts were made all of regrets and longings--regrets for their wasted lives, and longings to be out of the struggle and done with it all." /mark twain
“whether they’re your friends or your old lovers...they’re little photographs and little deaths. like 'losing you,' that song, i’m sure when I’m 72 I’ll still relate to it. whenever you’re with somebody and you fall in love with them, you think they’re the one. that’s why you do it. that’s why you go head first.” /amy millan
"listening for the secret, searching for the sound but i could only hear the preacher and the baying of his hounds. willow sky, whoa, i walk and wonder why, they say love your brother, but you will catch it when you try."
"we embarked on our cosmic voyage with a question first framed in the childhood of our species and in each generation asked anew with undiminished wonder: what are the stars? exploration is in our nature. we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. we have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. we are ready at last to set sail for the stars." /carl sagan
"venus has an extremely dense atmosphere, which consists mainly of carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen. the atmospheric mass is 93 times that of earth's atmosphere while the pressure at the planet's surface is about 92 times that at earth's surface—a pressure equivalent to that at a depth of nearly 1 kilometer under earth's oceans. the density at the surface is 65 kg/m³ (6.5% that of water). the co2-rich atmosphere, along with thick clouds of sulfur dioxide, generates the strongest greenhouse effect in the solar system, creating surface temperatures of over 460 °c (860 °f). this makes venus's surface hotter than mercury's which has a minimum surface temperature of -220 °c and maximum surface temperature of 420 °c, even though venus is nearly twice mercury's distance from the sun and thus receives only 25% of mercury's solar irradiance.
studies have suggested that several billion years ago venus's atmosphere was much more like earth's than it is now, and that there were probably substantial quantities of liquid water on the surface, but a runaway greenhouse effect was caused by the evaporation of that original water, which generated a critical level of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere.
thermal inertia and the transfer of heat by winds in the lower atmosphere mean that the temperature of venus's surface does not vary significantly between the night and day sides, despite the planet's extremely slow rotation. winds at the surface are slow, moving at a few kilometers per hour, but because of the high density of the atmosphere at venus's surface, they exert a significant amount of force against obstructions, and transport dust and small stones across the surface. this alone would make it difficult for a human to walk through, even if the heat were not a problem.
above the dense co2 layer are thick clouds consisting mainly of sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid droplets. these clouds reflect about 60% of the sunlight that falls on them back into space, and prevent the direct observation of venus's surface in visible light. the permanent cloud cover means that although venus is closer than earth to the sun, the venusian surface is not as well lit. in the absence of the greenhouse effect caused by the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the temperature at the surface of venus would be quite similar to that on earth. strong 300 km/h winds at the cloud tops circle the planet about every four to five earth days." /wikipedia
"i don't like work--no man does--but i like what is in work--the chance to find yourself. your own reality--for yourself, not for others--what no other man can ever know." /joseph conrad
"everything that emancipates the spirit without giving us control over ourselves is harmful; none is more hopelessly enslaved than he who falsely believes he is free." /johann wolfgang von goethe
"happiness comes more from loving than being loved; and often when our affection seems wounded it is only our vanity bleeding. to love, and to be hurt often, and to love again - this is the brave and happy life." /j.e. buckrose
"remembering that i'll be dead soon is the most important tool i've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. remembering that you are going to die is the best way i know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. you are already naked. there is no reason not to follow your heart." /steve jobs